Last Sunday we had both General Assembly and triweekly. The general assembly is hosted once every semester to give members an opportunity to change the by-laws or/and introduce new board members. In this meeting, we voted in Martin K. Tømt to officially become marketing leader of Vortex NTNU. The members also voted for changes to our by-laws and our CFO introduced this team's planned budget.
In triweeklies, all of Vortex gather to share and hear what the other groups have done. This is important to make the other groups know what is happening within the organization and to prevent "tunnel vision" towards their own goals. All the groups within Vortex presented their work since start-up to the rest of the team. In addition, we got to present our most recent memes for some humor during the presentations. The board rewards a SiT gift card to the member with the best meme posted since last triweekly.
The marketing team introduced their progress on their work on Vortex's graphical profile as well as courses in usage of Adobe editing software. The team also extends their marketing strategy through TikTok as it is popular among students in the recent years. They are also working hard on preparing for profiling of this year's new team.
Mechanical are done with their Solidworks courses and had practices such as remaking parts of Beluga. They are currently working on the concept phase of our new ASV, such as designing the new sensor rig, supported by some software members.
Electrical are done with training in using Cadence for PCB design as well as soldering training. The new team are looking through the already existing electronics on Beluga and debugging faults in equipment such as one of our tethers to prepare for further use. They presented plans such as making Beluga easier to monitor and creating electrical parts for the new ASV.
The software groups has had joint lectures in using Ubuntu and Git in addition to introduction in usage of docker and ROS. Each groups has also been presented to the current progress on each groups individual software stack. Autonomous group is currently looking into dynamic positioning as well as an robust state machine for execution of tasks.
DevOps has focused specifically on Docker and Github as preperation on tasks for next semester. Embedded group has looking into the development environment PlatformIO on VSCode which was used to program the Teensy 4.1. The perception team has looked into new pipelines for different problems, as well looking into different detection algorithms.
Which group do you want to know more about?